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HOME > Epidemiol Health > Volume 7(1); 1985 > Article
Original Article Analytical studies of internal quality control status in clinical chemistry
Chang Kyou Lee
Epidemiol Health 1985;7(1):125-132
DOI: https://doi.org/
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An internal quality control status analysis some biochemistries tested in a University Hospital Laboratory, a participating member of the External Quality Control Program, but not maintaining the internal quality control program regularly. The test items were blood glucose, urea nitrogen and creatinine, and the period of collective data accumulated was from January to December of 1982. 1) The quality control status of blood glucose in months of August, September, October, November and December exceeded the allowable error of 4.95, and consequently, lowered its precision, though the accuracy was in the acceptable range. 2) The quality control status of urea nitrogen in months of January, August, September, October, and December exceeded the allowable error of 1.31, and therefore, the precision was unstable, and the accuracy was unsatisfactory because there was the constant error in the systematic error. 3) In creatinine test, it had shown unstable tendency in months of January, March, April, August, October, November and December exceeding the allowable error of 0.132, consequently, lowering the precision. Its accuracy, with the constant error in the systematic error, was also unsatisfactory. 4) The standards of the allowable errors of 3 chemistry items was established for the domestic reference. 5) Regressive order of the CV mean values were glucose (5.12%), urea nitrogen (7.80%), and creatinine (13.19%) respectively. 6) The results of tested items that fall out of acceptable range were 3 in August, October and December, 2 in January, September and November, 1 in March and April.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health